Woodcreek Square is occupied by a successful mix of regional and national retailers, as well as local service providers. Several of them have been Woodcreek tenants for decades.
Located in a densely populated area of Seminole County, Woodcreek’s frontage on busy Red Bug Lake Road provides its tenants exposure to the many commuters. The 35,042 square foot center also benefits from the traffic generated by Walmart Neighborhood Market’s presence across the street.
Average Household Income and Population figures give Woodcreek strong demographics.
Income & Expense statements, Rent Rolls, details pertaining to major improvements, and additional documents will be made available upon execution of our Non-Disclosure Agreement [attached for download].
Zoning: PD, Planned Development
Land Area: 3.64 Acres
5275 Building: Built 1989 | 17,082 SF Gross Area as per Seminole County Public Records
5285 Building: Built 1989 | 17,960 SF Gross Area as per Seminole County Public Records