Location: Pecan Park Road, located approximately 3 miles west of I-95
Parcel Numbers: 019619-1210 and 019608-0050
Total Size: ±256 Gross Acres Net Useable: ±143 Acres
Wetlands: Wetland survey complete with an approved St Johns River Water Management JD line on the property
Topographic Report: Completed in 2024
Zoning: PUD/IL (Industrial Light Zoning) with a current agricultural exemption on the property.
Owner Due Diligence: In the owners proposed site plan, they have conducted internal pricing for the costs of the interior spine road. The first estimates were ±$1.5 Million. The owners have also conducted soil borings for pads, ponds and spine road as well as a traffic analysis. Additional Due Diligence can be provided upon signed NDA.